
Monday, January 31, 2011

Capricorn 2 - Three Stained Glass Windows...

I often don't have as much time as I
would like to focus on My Blog.
There is my work as a Reader
There are My commitments & devotions to My lady
There is the care of My Dad, a labor of love
My home life and so on..

We all find ourselves long on things to do,
but short on time available.
Frustrated by the lack of time I've been devoting
to My blog,
Which is for me, A service to The Goddess;
I decided to ask the Sabian Symbols the following:

Where should I focus My Blog?
The result..
Capricorn 2 - "Three Stained Glass Windows,
One damaged by bombardment"
The Keyword - Commemorate

To Commemorate:
Be mindful

Mark by Ceremony
Keep the Memory alive

As a Daughter of The Goddess,
I live my life according to My Spiritual path,
following it's basic tenets.
I am mindful
As A devotee of The Goddess,
I honor Her sacred days, I honor Her seasons,

The Wheel of the Year
I Mark by ceremony
As a Priestess,
It is my path to carry on the traditions &
teach Her wisdom to those who seek Her word
Keep the memory alive

So maybe there are times
I am bombarded with too much to do
And never quite enough time
But like the remaining two windows,
in that war torn cathedral
My faith remains
Intact, Radiant

As the light illuminating the stained glass
And those moments are enough.


  1. I like your interpretation of the bombardment symbolism.

  2. Thank You Debra!!
    It's amazing how the symbols manage to
    provide such accurate insight to Our questions!
