
Wednesday, December 2, 2009

Full Moon & The Alchemy of Water

Last Nights Full Moon brought a flurry of activity.
There were potions to be made, candles to be dressed,
crystals to bathe in the moonlight.

I settle down and prepare my ritual bath.
Jasmine & Lavender fill the air. Lady Moon lights up
the tub. I soak. Then I notice the connecting thread
to the evenings activities.

Water. It is there in my brew making. Water fills
my scrying bowl. It cleanses, purifies. It soothes.
Water. From the womb of the Goddess, protecting
and nourishing us. An Element of great magick.
It changes form. It adapts. Water transforms. A lesson
from The Lady.

Magick is an act of transformation. We use our magick
to change situations, circumstances. We use our magick
to help adapt. Perhaps the Greatest Magick we can ever
learn is the Magick of transforming one's self.


  1. What a luscious entry. I want a bath like that in the moon light! Thanks for the good post!

  2. I love your blog music! It makes me want to light incense. ;-)
