
Tuesday, December 22, 2009

Gratitude Giveaway

I created this blog with gratitude
and devotion to the Goddess.
This is a sacred place devoted to My Lady,
A place to share words and wisdom

On the solstice She brings forth
the rebirth of the Sun/Son.
A New Year, with new hopes and dreams.

In honor of My Lady, I am giving away
1 Goddess insight Reading.
The reading shall be given by email
or by phone depending on the location
of the recipient.
To enter offer your words of gratitude to
The Goddess / God .
Post in the comment section.
You must be a follower of this blog,
Please send contact info to
You may go to my shop

to see what I'll be giving away.

Winner will be announced after New Years Eve.
May all your dreams manifest in the year ahead


  1. Hello! Nice to meet you and your blog!

    Guess what? My word verification is "scrie"!! How about that!

  2. Welcome! Nice to meet you too!
    Def a good omen - "scrie"
    Btw, I like your post Re: Your Name

  3. Hello, I just stumbled upon your blog today. Very good to meet you. I would love to have some insight into my life. Blessings to you...

  4. Hi there, I'm also so grateful I've stumbled at the solstice across your blog ... Greetings of love and kindness... gratitude is the key to happiness.. more than love, hope, joy, faith... more than that, its instinctive and its positivity that's best for all of us to live together peacefully in this life. Your blog is beautiful.

  5. Welcome!!! Thank You all for the kind words.
    I will be drawing the winner on Dec 31st -
    The Blue Moon...
    May the holidays and the year ahead be truly
    blessed for All...
