
Tuesday, June 14, 2011

Magick, Messages & The Lunar Eclipse

A Lunar eclipse will occur Wednesday 6/15/11.
There are many different views about the eclipse..
Should You or shouldn't you perform magick?
Is it a good omen or bad?
What does the energy bring?
What exactly IS a Lunar Eclipse?
The Eclipse occurs when there is an alignment
between the sun, the earth & the moon.
The Moon passes behind the Earth.
During the Eclipse we see all the phases of Moon.
The obvious choice would be to focus on
The energies of the Moon -
After all, Each phase is apparent to us..
But obvious is not always best..
You see the keyword here is Alignment.
The Sun, The Moon, The Earth

When something is aligned or coordinated
it creates specific results.
The Sun, creates
The Earth, grounds
The Moon, illuminates
Perhaps the best energy of the eclipse is to Align
your plans.
Focus on what you would like to create
Contemplate what needs firming up, grounding
See what the best course of action is.
Use this time to be inactive -
To Plan your future course of action.
Use this time wisely.

Perhaps the Stars hold a message
For all of us.
The Sky is aligning,
Not once but 3 times since June 1st..
The greatest alignment of Our lifetime
is yet to come.
Look to the stars..
Listen for your message.
Magick of this kind is not offered everyday.

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